masthead image - an open book


(7 stories)

The tear was more visible now: a chink that let light - and who knew what else - through. We were going to need more gaffer tape. @130story

Space” by idiotjed, 3 Sep 13

I woke up in a bloody haze, last thing I remember was the Captain shouting "Start the descent!". Orbits always mess with landings @130story

Adjusting his jacket collar to hide the tear ripped by jabberwock claws, he pushed open the door. "Good morning, Prime Minister!" @130story

It broke her heart to leave him and the life they had built together but she knew it was the only way for him to move forward @130story

In a daze, she stood perfectly still as people bustled around her. Her stare was without focus, making everything invisible. @130story

@130story "It's really not your day is it, son" growled the towering security guard as he gripped Dan's ID papers between his oversize fists

Space” by hill79, 3 Sep 13

Tom only knew him as 'that old git, always in my spot', so was surprised to get a funeral invite. All the seating was taken. @130story

Space” by jtruk, 2 Sep 13