Drip, drip. His forehead was about to explode as the water drops percuted. It would be his turn to answer soon which terrified him @130story
(6 stories)
Drip, drip. His forehead was about to explode as the water drops percuted. It would be his turn to answer soon which terrified him @130story
A cruel chuckle slowed to silence as he watched his plan backfire. Outwitted by his rival, he knew the table was about to turn. @130story
Wiping cobwebs from the turned rosewood caddy, he opened the lid. The rattling noise had been the long-lost Grey family rubies. @130story
This was supposed to have been her breeding year, but after her circumpolar trip there were none of her kind left. The last Tern. @130story
I heard a clunk, still no movement. I applied some oil to the main cog and pushed the handle. "Success, the robot is alive!" @130story
@130story Huge springs flexed, oiled cog ground heavily against oiled cog. It moved. So slowly it was barely observable, but gathering pace.