masthead image - an open book


(7 stories)

As she looked for his avatar on Twitter for the 8th time that day, Debbie Harry demanded 'Call Me' from a past of landlines-only. @130story

...thought Syra. The Faith had gained status in the 2nd half of the 22nd century through owning the patents on droidslave™ tech....@130story

Hahaha...had to delete and retweet my @130story due to typo...only 130characters..can't get em wrong!

Today needed to be washed away in a tide of alcohol. He checked his pockets, but only found small change. Maybe just a half then. @130story

Half” by hill79, 25 Sep 13

“Your drug has a 50% mortality rate. That is unacceptable.” But he was wrong. Every mouse had died, but half had come back. @130story

Outside the club blue lights strobe on a pale face. "She can't be," he sobs, "She's only had half an E!" The police approach. @130story

She actually passed through VETO unhindered..releasing some technanites to fake a mandatory payment...once in orbit she called CQ..@130story