masthead image - an open book


(9 stories)

As she drove off to the coast, she relaxed, knowing she had left the business in a safe pair of hands, despite what others thought @130story

He turned the dial steadily, ear pressed up against cold steel listening for the tell-tale 'click' of a tumbler falling into place @130story

Safe” by hill79, 1 Oct 13

We'd travelled for days. We were told it was a long straight road then we'd be safe. As the darkness came, the road began to wind. @130story

I demand you speak out! Tell me who & what this harpooneer is whether I shall be in all respects safe to spend the night with him. @130story

Safe” by ggarchar, 1 Oct 13

Whirrr. Whirrr. Tick, tick, tick. Tickety tick, tick. Tick, tick, tick. Click. Clunk. Now just twist and pull and we will know. @130story

The mist descended on her quickly. A swirling greyness enveloping her and the path ahead. Which way was home? Which way was safe? @130story

Safe” by TeeOhBee, 1 Oct 13

No change, don't rearrange. Sit, stare, beware, buy, don't try, routine, clean, watch the screen. @130story

...geodesic forms whirled whilst a typewriter astride an old mortice lock safe sent lines babbling incoherently into the cosmos...@130story

I tumble not but fall straight down, & whistle on my way. Bound, of course, for some cartoon villain's bonce. I shall save the day @130story