masthead image - an open book


(7 stories)

With the attack quelled Syra wanted to know who'd attacked droidslave and how Faith knew they were here. Hidden mysteries to solve @130story

Nobody realised as they watched the models strut down the catwalk that the Ffollie-Ffar rubies were hidden in the platform shoes. @130story

An awkward silence hung between them. He knew that her words had a hidden meaning, but he had no idea what that may be. He nodded. @130story

Dreaded creatures glide under water, unapparent for the most part and treacherously hidden beneath the most lovely tints of azure. @130story

Laying on his stomach in the tall grass heart pounding, he hardly dared breathe. Then, the sound he dreaded "Coming ready or not!" @130story

Hidden” by hill79, 15 Nov 13

In secret earth, a key, prisoner in a bone cage. In the hands of a child, a lock, sitting in a tree above.

Two little boys, Douglas and Derek, went into the woods. Doug dug. Den deigned to dig. Got dark. Doug headed home. Den's hidden. @130story