masthead image - an open book


(5 stories)

'We-ell' said Dad, ears a bit red, 'you mum and I didn't go to those parties. We only got together at the tail-end of the sixties' @130story

The rat sat in the palm of his hand, its tail wrapped around one of his fingers, a sharp intelligence behind its shining eyes. @130story

I walked to the back of the bookshop. I glanced over my shoulder, the man had followed me in. "Start running" whipsered the clerk @130story

Hi, I'm Ed. We shook. Hey, so am I, said the kid. He grinned at me as the umpire threw the coin in the air. We both called tails. @130story

Tail” by edbroom, 30 Nov 13

He lost the tail by circling around Brecon Avenue twice and ducking behind a row of parked cars. He mustn't be caught, not tonight @130story

Tail” by hill79, 29 Nov 13