masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

Open wide, says the man behind the mask.My mind starts to turn back to those words I always hear "Is it safe?" I have my clove oil @130story

Open” by Rufuslll, 7 Dec 13

BANG..the rocket exploded, a gasp, she opened her eyes..she'd dreamt her fathers thoughts..minds within minds like russian dolls..@130story

He looked into the mastiff's open maw and wondered if he had time to write 'Holmes, you were wrong!' before the hound killed him. @130story

As his tyres kissed the apex he opened the throttle wide, skillfully caught the slight oversteer, and powered on to the next bend. @130story

Open” by hill79, 8 Dec 13

"Ok, take it easy," he felt a soothing hand on his brow. "You've been asleep for quite some time. Try and open your eyes." @130story

Let my mind run on until a weariness of pondering is quite enough for now then in the open air of out-of-doors seek a second wind. @130story

Open” by ggarchar, 7 Dec 13