masthead image - an open book


(5 stories)

As his date knocked over the bottle & red wine soaked into his new Paul Smith shirt, he began to think he was dogged by bad luck. @130story

Trapped alone in snow,But such a comfort to know;The St.Bernard,a very smart dog friend,Would come to his rescue in the end! @130story

They had only just met but he felt he had known her all his life. Then suddenly she was gone just as quickly as she had arrived @130story

Dog” by boxelboy, 10 Mar 14

@130story The phone alarm buzzed. I groggily wondered why the dog hadn't fussed me awake…Then I remembered the vet; saying goodbye. Oh, Ash.

Dog” by vickytnz, 10 Mar 14

Muttley Dog in Wacky Races,Had one of those really cheeky faces;Laughing & muttering with lots of glee,Was so very funny to see! @130story