Big brother, go-karts, Cromer '69. Starfighters, Bentwaters '73. Uncle, boating lake, Lowestoft '75. Dad's slide shows had it all. @130story
(4 stories)
Big brother, go-karts, Cromer '69. Starfighters, Bentwaters '73. Uncle, boating lake, Lowestoft '75. Dad's slide shows had it all. @130story
Exhausted by the long drive, she didn't so much get into bed as post herself into bed,sliding between the sheets like liquid sleep @130story
He looked down at the slide rule. Calculations for the bridge had to done with that? Time travel was not as easy as he'd expected. @130story
As always the his old foe the sliding door had refused to open. He'd have to wait around and sneak in behind someone else...again @130story