masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

On a certain Surrey farm they hold an annual race.Teddybears strapped on pigs to hold them in place! @130story

Waiting for Pete, I put 50p in the quiz machine. Final question: whose first album was Spartacus? All or nothing, I bet The Farm. @130story

Farm” by edbroom, 14 Jan 15

The lion turned its back on the crowd,was just about to wee.The guide warned everyone to immediately flee! @130story

Filth and effluent like all industry. Animals eat and shit and die in guarded camps. We coo and take socially-enabled photographs. @130story

Farm” by Swissss, 13 Jan 15

My colleague 'phoned in sick,he'd come to no harm.Said the pigs were unwell so he must stay at the farm! @130story

Farming was in her blood; for generations, they said. But secretly Eve learned to code; determined her future would be digital. @130story

Farm” by DigiBex, 13 Jan 15