They say "don't dress for the job you have but the job you want". Cool, though I'd look pretty silly selling food in a spacesuit. @130story
(5 stories)
They say "don't dress for the job you have but the job you want". Cool, though I'd look pretty silly selling food in a spacesuit. @130story
Stu knew he had the best job ever. Every day his childhood dreams came true; driving the steam train, tooting the whistle. @130story
I keep telling myself that it's my job, I've done this before. Clip the lead wire, remove the fuse. What could go wro... FT @130story
From the door, she could see chocolate mousse on the ceiling & walls.
His grinned ruefully. "I know. I just had one job to do..."
At first it had looked like an inside job. Once inside though, it had looked like an outside job. But, once outside again........ @130story