masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

#130story The drone reached the school just as the children came out to play. A mile away, the remote triggered the release of 500 balloons

He'd signed up to fight evil, defend honour. And yet here he was, handcuffing sad children in airports. #deployed #130story

Troops deployed across the world; thin, but not weak.
Fierce battles were expected, but not the giant cat.
Game of Risk: Over.

Deployed” by jtruk, 2 Feb 17

15 years he's been deployed
Exploring this vast asteroid
Every sample taken
Increasingly forsaken
Not realising he's just a droid

Deployed again. He hadn't even got upto the loading ramp as the weariness and fatigue began sinking in. Six months away. For what? #130Story

As planned, the code deployed at 6am. New features, security updates and bug fixes. It's a shame people's phones kept exploding. #130story