masthead image - an open book


(5 stories)

Heart thumping, pulse racing, Jo's sweaty desperate fingers clutched at the duvet. Her fear was real; surely not just a bad dream? #130story

My nightmare wasn't tentacles, teeth and talons. It was a 20-year-old memory about forgetting to fill a crate with toilet roll. #130story

Oh no. Here again. Must be 10,000 people crammed in here. Nobody's wearing socks or shoes. Yuck. It's my nightmare of 20,000 feet. #130story

The French matron circled her ward around 11pm. Her manner was astonishingly soothing. Night Mère ensured everyone slept soundly.

They threw me a prompt. Write a 130 character tale they said. What can I squeeze into 130 charcters & still make sense? Nightmre! #130story