masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

The bustle of a city funnels through Grand Central Terminal on a daily basis. The sights, the sounds. I'll never tire of this. FT #130story

I was next to Boots in Central Station at 7pm wearing a red nose. Unfortunately, you meant to type red rose. Stupid autocorrect. #130story

Her marriage was central to her being. To discover that it was built on a lie and a mask was devastating for her and her children.#130story

'That's not central.'
'It's okay, leave it.'
'No look, I'll just move it a bit to the left,' she said, as it fell to the ground.

Central airlock shuddered but withstood the blast. The maintenance droid was pessimistic. '3 weeks, Captain.' No beer for 3 weeks! #130story

'Centre of Excellence in National Tactical Reconnaissance And Logistics'. Grief! Now was the time to resign. Bloody acronyms. #130story