Sue woke with a cry. In her nightmare, she was falling for what felt like forever, with no end in sight. It's 6:29. Time for work. #130story
(5 stories)
Sue woke with a cry. In her nightmare, she was falling for what felt like forever, with no end in sight. It's 6:29. Time for work. #130story
The procedure hardly pushed one dimension off normal but I feel like I'm falling off the universe!
A divot in lane 7. I tripped, knocking you over. You swore, then laughed. That's how it began, falling in Loughborough with you. #130story
FFS, Adam!
It’s just one little apple.
How bad can it be?
Falling trade blamed for closure of Happy house restaurant.
Sue wailed at the demise of her sushi bar, it was still too raw.