Love is...
That bump in the night when stars collide and planets form.
(8 stories)
Love is...
That bump in the night when stars collide and planets form.
She fluttered her hand in front of her like a Regency lady delicately fanning. In reality she was overcome by his terrible Cologne #130story
I helped father-in-law install his DairyMatic 101. Power on. We ran for cover as it bashed and churned and crashed and burned. #130story
Her ship crashed upon a barren earth. She endured four hundred million years before humans arrived and, fearing her, buried her
Colin crashed in to Caroline in the corridor. A few 'crashes' later and the bump started to show. A very happy accident indeed #130story
As the car crashed into the tree, she had what seemed like minutes of lucid thought.. her regrets, joys, her loved ones, her life #130story
Under a blazing cerulean sky they sat still;each absorbed by their own stories.As the temperature rose they crashed into the pool. #130story
Kelly had no energy. She had been running on sugar and cakes for far too long. When her adrenaline desserted her, she crashed. #130story