masthead image - an open book


(12 stories)

Buddy doesn't trust banks and insists on being paid in cash. Debt-free, he always buys a round. Workmates call him Buddy Rich. #130story

Rich” by edbroom, 29 Jun 17

Labour aren't any better
With Trident and HS2
No major party
Thinks of me and you

Please read previous tweet first ☺

Fred's fecund flowers flourish in the rich and fertile soil. His garden is an allegory. Life, love, community, death and rebirth. #130story

Healthy bank account. No. Flash cars. No. Massive country house. No. Four kids and house full of pets. Yes. I'm very rich. #130story

She slipped on her gown and revelled in the silken lining, the rich peacock hues, the rustling folds that fell softly at her feet. #130story

Of time I am not rich
And with moments to spare
I penned a 130 poem
As swiflty as I dare
Tapped it out
And tweeted it to share

Suddenly she was rich beyond her wildest dreams. She got up and got ready for work - old habits and all that. She sat and grinned #130story

Richard felt it was a bit rich of Rach to tell him how to spend his money whenever he saw her. But then she was his bank manager #130story

They gathered windfalls
from the magic money tree.
Camels? Needles? Hah!


Fred's fecund flowers flourished in the rich and fertile soil. His garden is an allegory. Life, love, community death and rebirth. #130story

Wealth now measured in followers,
Really; what could be hollower?
Bill feels rich with his two,
Heinz 57 and a rescued Shih Tzu.

Hobbling round the house
Like a Tory whip
Waiting for the NHS
To replace his dodgy hip
Instead we commissioned
A new Naval ship