The place looked familiar. Not the buildings, but the landscape, the coastline etc. He'd been before, but maybe not in this life #130story
(8 stories)
The place looked familiar. Not the buildings, but the landscape, the coastline etc. He'd been before, but maybe not in this life #130story
Just Call Me Eeyore
Only a donkey
would fail to stop the air pipe
when pouring cement.
His new job was weird. Paul wished for something mundane, familiar. He need not have worried. Wanton bureaucracy is universal. #130story
It was disconcerting; he looked different but his voice was familiar. Where had she heard those deep brown tones before? #130story
Fred would have benefited from being a bit more familiar with the basic laws of aerodynamics before he tried his new wings out #130story
Monday morning and the new work week has begun. That familiar feeling of I can't be arsed strikes heavily on the bowels. #130story
There was nothing familiar about the planet but he felt strangely at home. Fluffy dice hanging from the warp-coil always helped
The Forgettory
The witch looked at her
familiar - a black cat.
'Do I know you, pet?'