masthead image - an open book


(8 stories)

Is the guide a doctrine or merely a recommendation? Confusion reigns as some think one and many the other. The result? Corruption. #130story

Doctor Doctrine
Was a doctor of words
She had many degrees
Alas, all were thirds

Everyone has opinions. Aliens. Conspiracy theories. Trump-Russia. But putting mushroom or coconut in food is wrong. Shame on you #130story

Tanganata Beta Seven was the first planet I visited that didn't have an atmosphere. Needless to say, it was uninhabited.

If Time Lords could give birth instead of looming, would their offspring be called doctrine? Asking for a friend.


Whenever an old film appears with Dirk Bogarde and James Robertson Justice, Dad says we have to watch it. It's the house doctrine. #130story

After the fifth prostate examination that morning, Doc Trine decided he didn't want a chocolate doughnut with his coffee #130story

A Liberator's doctrines are simple. Help the vulnerable but remember all victims are not worthy of help. Judgment is everything.