masthead image - an open book


(9 stories)

Penance and sustenance
Jim's monastic existence
Now the abbot
Testing his habit
A one arm bandit
His comeuppance
At only tuppence.

They shared a laugh when she messed up cultural quotations. A gentle poking from him. Their favourite was 'Existence is futile' #130story

He showed her a photograph.
'It was the only known Tudor sugar decoration left in existence'
'Where is it now?'
'The dog ate it.'

Due to a typo, Allen had devoted his life to proving the existence of interplanetary Allens; so far his only sighting was himself #130story

David didn't know Antony-from-work existed until 10 seconds ago. He loved Kathy despite her treachery. He had plans for Antony. #130story

Not sure philosophy of physics is for me. First lecture and my notes amounted to one sentence:

"Existence is measured in homes" #130story

A is anxious
C is concerned
W is worried
X is tense #130story

I exist purely for my kids existence. If they cease, so will I.


Are you created
Are you grown
Experience on experience

Following life's winds
Laying out your path
That'll change with chance