Like giving people help
Help people cope
Tell it as it is
Smug know it alls
Sitting by phone
But then worries
When nobody calls
(8 stories)
Like giving people help
Help people cope
Tell it as it is
Smug know it alls
Sitting by phone
But then worries
When nobody calls
"Thanks, Bruce," I said, "lovely meal."
"Em dub," he said.
"Em dub. Minimal wuz."
"Food," he said. "No worries." #130story
When cooking curries
He always hurries
Always worries
The restaurant rat scurries
An inspector's call
Could end it all
Every worry Gytha had she knitted into jumpers. Dispelled her own woes; shared the misery into purls that itched mostly at night. #130story
Writing plain English
will never come easily.
Nil desperandum.
Mam, dab for Snapchat. Does he mean sherbert? Cocaine? Has he spilt something? Does he want my fingerprints? Oh, like Usain Bolt!
Bo Peep she was a worrier
She couldn't get to sleep
She tried counting her animals
Oh God No!
My worries
Make me weary
My tiredness
Makes me teary
My tears
Make my eyes bleary
My blurry vision
Makes me see things unclearly