masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

What do I do with dab
Not to look sad
Not to look bad
I know what to do
Point to the wall
Oh dear
How sad
Something to grab

Dab” by PaulPJB, 27 Aug 17

Dan was a dab hand at dabbling and dibbling but his dribbling left a lot to be desired! #130story

Dab” by JonnaKing, 28 Aug 17

Did she daub or dab?
Well, it looks absolutely fab
Can we hang it on the wall?
I don't know. It's not my call

The reception is perfect. The sound, crystal clear. A feeling of pure joy. Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance to the (DAB) radio. #130story

Bored of bottle flip
Down wit the kids Bill
Took to dab... and sh*t
Knowing he's getting older
But didn't expect
To pop a shoulder

Dab it on or Dab it off
It doesn't matter which
Nothing can control the flow
If you have the creative itch