masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

Hardly anyone
uses the word actress now.
OED says so.


The deepest, the first
From the cut blood burst
Fangs bit hard quenching a thirst
Now the victim is dead and cursed

After filming, I had to return Celia to the mainland. She was very keen to steer:
"I'm an actress, dear boy, and RADA trained!" #130story

A woman?
On stage?
Tredding the boards
And reading lines from the page?
How delightfully anti-Victorian
How thoroughly modern

"That's a big bellend", no actress ever said to a Bishop during a peeling session for Sunday mass. #130story

"How much do you want the part?"
"Not enough to do that."
"I know your wife. We speak from time to time."
"Bye now."
