masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

A southerner to some
A northerner to most
Techtonic ignorance
From coast to coast


Mary Jane thought herself
A Southern Belle
A Scarlett O'Hara

Yearning for Rhett Butler
All she got was Fred
And his Ford Sierra

Winter has been here a long time
But has yet to hit
The Southern reaches
Where autumn is held at bay
By sun and endless beaches

Anyone below Pontefract is a southern softie to us. Viva la Geordies. We don't wear coats on a blizzarding night out up here. #130story

I married a Bonny Northern lass
She's not listening so I can tell
We moved down south to Devon
So she became my Southern Belle.

Sitting on a porch, sipping mint juleps, she reckoned that there is no such thing as Southern comfort; it was hot&humid&miserable #130story