masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

Someone did something that wasn't very interesting but they posted a pic on social media and got a few likes anyway. Whateves #130story


You are so beautiful
There's something about you
You're second to no other lover
That's not true
Number one is your mother

There was something about Mary!
Bill was hoping for the happily ever after, when along came Polly and everywhere Mary went...

Harry walks in the kitchen but can't remember why. He knows it was to get something. He thinks long and hard but comes up empty. #130story

Sometimes, somewhere -perhaps near a rainbow- some things seem to be something they’re not; like a tossed Fanta can struck by sun #130story

The powerful fart was hot and instantly aromatic. It was as if something other than methane had escaped from the orifice. #130story