Alan agrees with everything Alison says and Alison agrees with nothing Alan says. They're a mis-match made in hyphen #130story
(10 stories)
Alan agrees with everything Alison says and Alison agrees with nothing Alan says. They're a mis-match made in hyphen #130story
"Class," says Mike, "Mr Fowler says we need to work on sentences with indefinite pronouns."
Neither the students nor Mike agrees. #130story
A mouse I knew
Had a business
Deals On Wheels
Asked the mouse
Isn't that odd
He replied
You're talking
To a rodent
You silly sod
Our teacher before us
Red in his face
Yours English is atrocious
Does you agrees
Gave all that I got
Better off conducting a bus
I have a preference to rhyme
To do otherwise is not a crime
But I won't win a competition
Between now and the end of time
Other Materials
To Cinders' chagrin,
her slippers were not of glass,
but instead shagreen.
Our teacher before us
Red in his face
Yours English is atrocious
Does you agree
Gave all that I got
Might as well conduct a bus
He agrees
That ninety degrees
Is an angle alright
And try as he might
As far as he can see
It will always so be
#130story #nonsense #poetry
Everyone agrees
This can't go on
And a change is gonna come
Talk, talk, talk, talk
Nobody takes a step
Or tries to walk the walk
Engineers learnt something
They Agreed for all their sins
To tighten a bolt a was deosil
And to loosen was widdershins