masthead image - an open book


(7 stories)

He went to a remonstration
But simply had to protest
They wanted him to stand in line
And march with all the rest!

Everything is going to plan:
1. Electioneering
2. Shock win
3. Inauguration
4. Ineptitude
5. Horror
6. Protests
7. Impeachment

As she slowly climbed the stairs, she felt her aching knees protest. #130story

While I sat on the grass prior to marching on a protest against animal cruelty, a large dog peed on my back. It was a hot day.


The teachers thought it too much,
Unhappy kids stressing it
Pro-tests government ignored protests,
'you're 11 now, get on with it.

Melody lives to carry banners and right wrongs. That makes her mum, Mae, so proud. And yet. Melody protests too much, Mae thinks. #130story


A rebel at heart
I would lead protests
I would march
I would scream and shout
If I was forced to eat
Just one, brussell sprout