masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

The gene changed
A new species was born
A comic book trope
Mightily well worn
Like a suit scuffed
With marks where it was torn

In a set of cutlery
There are many pieces
I like to use lots of them
Creating many species


Groups of life
Are called species
But how about
Species of trousers
Into the World
All sizes
Never scared
Always bold

On the Origin of Species

I share 25% of my genes with wine grapes and 18% with yeast. Hardly surprising. Explains a great deal.


Women are a funny breed in this house. Cockles cleaning cat litter tray, but no problem gutting and beheading rainbow trout #130story

She was obsessed with Lepidoptera;their colours, delicacy and grace.The species held her in thrall - as she skewered each on a pin.#130story