masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

I've waited years for this. Waitrose in my town. Open late too, and here I am. I never thought tonight could ever be this grocery. #130story

Naked beans
Cheddar cheek
Bloody oranges
Whipping cream
My shopping list was indecent grocery.

Me. List. 6 items. Shop. Done 10mins.
Mrs. List. 6 items. Never looks at it. Trolley full. 50mins.
Grocery wars.


Go west young man
Go west Grandfather said
So I did
And that's my story
A shop employee
A fruity cowboy
Working in grocery

I am in the green grocery at 4am. Not to buy carrot's, tomato's, banana's and pineapple's. I am there need to steal apostrophes. #130story

Betty considered as her best of friends the butcher, baker, greengrocer and candlestick maker. Mick saved time by shopping online.