masthead image - an open book


(7 stories)

No effect without a causer
He's overdone
The pregnant pauser
Hour after hour
Was too far
Now the gag's secret
Is in the mauso

The inner tides ebb and flow.
Turning for ten moons.
Handmaid 8967.


Only 20 days until my confinement ends. But I wonder, will I remember you? Will I find you? You are soulmate across eternity. #130story

Rupert, Apple, Tia & Marvin. All neutered. Sam was stupid enough to get 4 rabbits, he wants no more. Can't afford veg bill. #130story

Peter was pregnant with anticipation at the thought of being a dad. Meanwhile, in the real world, Polly had swollen feet #130story

She sat looking at the two blue lines that had appeared. Heart racing, sick feeling, dread and delight. And so her life changed. #130story


Waiting for this offering with pregnant anticipation
Or are you
Waiting pregnant with pregnant anticipation
Or not
Or not not