masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

Plan: Leave house at 07:00

Life: Wake up at 6:57

How can five alarms on two gadgets all fail? The little folks strike again!


Little Liam waves to his folks at the gates. It's his first day of big-boy school. He's one of many strangers in a strange land. #130story


American Folks, vote for me
Not born in USA
So can't run for Presidency
Tell me what you'd like most
Pop the cheque in the post

Folks” by PaulPJB, 7 Dec 17

Guy Folks
He had a plot
It involved powder
That could get hot
But remember him
History did not

Though a king fell…

Nowt as queer as folk. Especially those Morris Dancing folk. #130story

Resting on the stile
A nod a wink or smile
Slowing down time
Village men the old folks
With yarns n smokes
Baccy tins and woodbine