masthead image - an open book


(7 stories)

His name was Thierry
But his friends were contrary
So after many a query
He resigned to be Theory

East African Rift Valley, Himalayas, Rockies, Pacific Ring of Fire, Mid-Atlantic Ridge...all explained by Tectonic Plate Theory. #130story

Many moons ago, I changed my FB status to 'Married to Sheldon Lee Cooper.' I felt bad when people sent cards.

#130story #nomorewine

The professor awoke in the night
Had he dreamt up another theory
He’d folded the sheets from left to right
And wri…

Excitement increased dramatically
Parents considering subjectively
Shepherds 3up on a Kawasaki
I like this new theory of nativity

I would love to theorise with you all day. Alas, theories don't pay the bills. That's my theory anyway. #130story


There's a theory
Santa doesn't exist
But most of year
He's Big Bad Tim
Lives in Wales
Living on pies
Big bottles of gin