masthead image - an open book


(7 stories)

January: A Time For Stopping

Stop eating.
Stop drinking.
Stop lazing.
Stop procrastinating.

This January, I've s…

Before I put the primer on
I should have used the stopping
Now the knot has bled
And truth be said
It’s completely…

She saw the densely packed isobars, warm and cold fronts borne by endless depressions. There was no chance of the rain stopping. #130story

Things your mum says.......
Come on take your coat off
Or maybe your not stopping
You won’t feel the benefit
With f…

Jim was no angel. He'd push his luck in all situations. But if a woman said no, he'd stop immediately. #130story

The bus is stopping
And on I am hopping
No mobile phone
Destination unknown

We must stop stopping and start starting. We must go forward and stop slipping backward. We must be the change we want to see. #130story