masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

Her domaine was her domain
She made the finest wine
But beware the widow winemaker
Resist her invitation to dine

In night's dark domains,
tormented souls live and die,
but arise at dawn.


Entering dragon's domain
Don't show fear
But show respect
But most of all
Don't wear nylon
Or flammable products
In your hair


Domain” by PaulPJB, 1 Feb 18

From the top of the castle ramparts he surveyed his domain. His skill and valour in battle secured the lands for his people. #130story

Looking over his territory, Vlad sniffs the air. Vera's cooking garlic chicken. He'll visit Carole later to avoid indigestion. #130story

Rex ruled with an iron paw. He marked his domain with wild abandon. Outsiders took one whiff and knew they were unwelcome. #130story