masthead image - an open book


(7 stories)

"Tripping on toad secretions is not the same thing as astral projection Sammy. Grow up." #130story

Don't pee on electric fences guys. You may fly backwards across the garden in pain with your short and curlies on fire. #130story

Monty's Flying Circus
Was forced to closed down
The python ate a child
When the cirucs was in town

The final bars of the music faded and the curtains closed on the oak coffin. She felt, rather than saw, his soul flying free. #130story

My favourite dreams
are the ones where I'm flying.
Until I lose height...


If you are scared of flying, then going on a parachute jump, sponsored or not, isn't really the best thing to do. #130story

They (the mannequins) said I could do whatever I wanted with them."
Jake's reply was either implausible or he started off lying.
