masthead image - an open book


(11 stories)


Never so naughty
Even at forty
Nora's cheeks did glower
Come into my garden
See my bad lad
Shock, surprise
Was just a lawn mower

After losing his job for 'interfering with the art', Barry stressed his innocence at the tribunal. He fought his corner.

He'd been so real, amazing! She'd been charmed, shocked into acting on lustful instinct; but had she gone too far? she stressed. #130story


My driving test
Never stressed
How could I be
And who has else
Has taken that test
So confidently
He dressed as
Dick Dastardly

Four or two brushes
In your toothbrush cup
No need to be stressed
Just don't mix them up

I wake up and check twitter news. Each morning the USA are becoming more stressed out. We've only Brexit to worry about. Phew. #130story

It happens every Monday morning
Just when you’re getting dressed
You realise ‘another week at work!’
That’s it ....…

They seem to be getting smaller!
For the reason I don’t see
Getting a bit worried now
What’s next.......A Flea ?…

On the misty snow covered hills, a cat. I think a cat, walked 100m in front of me. It was massive, bigger than the dog. GULP #130story

I'm supposed to be walking dogs but I'm stuck on the loo. Stressed levels > straining #130story

Once upon a time, we had 6 toothbrushes in the pot. 4 kids left home. Down to 2. Who's stressed? Not me. #130story