masthead image - an open book


(7 stories)

Brother wanted some advice,
"Which looks best on me boy?"
"You're to hip for denim or leather
So just stick to the cord our Roy."


With his inheritance money, he bought himself a motorcycle and a leather suit. 'Twould be the leather that would sustain his life. #130story

During hangovers, why do people say they were leathered the night before? Face covered in tannery urine perhaps. #130story

Can’t wait for the sun to warm
To lay in the heather
Cast the shoes aside
No need for leather.
That’s w…

Barry hung up his jodhpurs. Donned in leather from neck to toe, he rode off on his gasoline horsey into an uncertain future. #130story

I really wanted leather but in the end I settled for pleather. Not quite as durable but with a quick wipe both my t…


When younger
Long time ago
I owned leather jeans
Mr Sexy
Girls would avoid me
Asking why
They told me
Paul, you smell of wee wee