masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

The object gained speed
An acceleration beyond our scopes
Before it was too late
The object, now recognised, dashed all our hopes


Harry the Ant
Found a peanut
Back to his nest
Nothing ventured
Nothing gained
He pushed
And pushed
No stopping or rest
Life's a bugger
For Harry the Ant

This time last week I lost a few £s but gained a few lbs. Win / win. Won't blow away in the wind anymore. #130story

The battery in the scales ran out weeks ago. Am putting off buying a new one as afraid to see what I have gained.



Asked why he took no notice at school
And why he hadn’t been trained
John replied in a self approving way
“It can’t be lost if it isn’t gained”
Poor John

Siobhan remortgaged her house so she could pay for an extension. She hoped this would gain her more money when she traded up. #130story