masthead image - an open book


(5 stories)


Hello I'm Nick
Your careers advisor
Here is a graphic
Of a stick
Here you are
At school
Look right up here
On this stick
Take your pick
Now pick a career


In the future
TV presenters will be CGI's
Instead of Piers Morgan
You will have a graphic
Probably little difference
Especially if it's called Dick

IRL, my language is
positively seraphic.

But (now and then) in traffic,
it can become quite graphic.


Siobhan dreamt about Tim. It started as a PG but quickly became a 12, a 15 then an 18 when [graphic scenes removed]. #130story

Graphic scenes of violence
Thus a watershed was created
On our geography field trip
Watersheds were debated
No violence in that Welsh valley
Where RAF jets flew overhead
Thank you, brave pilots
I now remember the watershed