masthead image - an open book


(8 stories)

Sometimes, I wish that
'Lady Chatterley's Lover'
was just called 'Love Lawn'.


She woke in the heat of the night amidst tangled sheets and fretful dreams. Laying in the dim slatted light listening to the cicadas and hissing of the lawn sprinklers, she remembered all that she had tried so hard to forget. #130story

When John burnt his garden waste
He did it all on mass
But why do it in the middle of the night?
John said it’s illegal to smoke grass.
Poor John

I said, "Tis a very nice lawn."
The groundsman frowned
"Tis a pro football pitch,
You're at Dynamo's ground!"

I said, "It still looks fine,
But, to me, grass is grass."
Still frowning he raised a boot
And kicked me up the #130story #WorldCup2018

Siobhan wanted a front lawn to lounge and a back garden to grow courgettes, carrots and kale. She wanted to live The Good Life. #130story


Is your lawn neglected
Patches here and there
Maybe that's how it feels
Get up at dawn
Embrace your lawn
Kiss it
Embrace it
Your green kneed good deeds

Lawn” by PaulPJB, 20 Jun 18

I said, "Tis a very nice lawn."
The groundsman frowned
"Tis a pro football pitch,
You're at Dynamo's ground!"

I said, "It still looks fine,
But, to me, grass is grass."
Still frowning he raised a boot
And kicked up the #130story #worldcup2018

I've seen the weather stats
For the months gone by
So it isn't a mystery
Why the lawn will soon die

Green turns darker
Then it turns brown
Soon there'll be no grass
In old Paignton Town