masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

Life is improv, with players like Siobhan and Tim making it up as they go. Their hopes and desires reflected back to one another. #130story

When taking pics of shiny things
Some problems were detected
When you’ve got a mirror finish
And you’re the one reflected

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who is the fairest of them all ?
I’m not sure I cannot see
It would help me more
if you bend at the knee
Tall story

She sat and waited. The cliffs reflected in the flat calm of the evening, as the sun tumbled into the horizon, setting the water aflame. A silhouette rounded the bay, and emerged as a small yacht. He was here ....#130story

Without the aid of mirrors in their bathroom. How are vampires groomed so well? I can't shave evenly with a mirror? #130story

On reflection. Using deep heat rather than haemorrhoid cream was a huge mistake #130story