masthead image - an open book


(6 stories)

We are never hopeful
But the end-of-year bonuses
Are in this month's pay
Something to put aside
For a rainy day
Or a reason to cry

We are never hopeful
But the end-of-year bonuses
Are in this month's pay
Something to put aside
For a rainy day?
Or a reason to cry

Bonus schemes (de feet) the workers
One man gets 2 hrs to dig a Metre squared
So twenty men. Get six minutes
No matter how there paired


Many bonuses
We all possess
My legs stretch
From my bum
To the ground
Hope same for you
Any different
You'd be spinning
And round
And round

'Don't give me those puppy eyes, there's no use denying it' said Tom but he could not be cross as Darwin wagged his tail, clearing a space among the torn cardboard and sweet wrappers. #130story

Every day I talk to my hens. Bought them as pets and treated like pets. Open the coop. If I see a fresh egg that's a bonus. #130story