masthead image - an open book


(5 stories)

Spat in anger
Spilt in tears
Sung with joy
Tenderly held
And caressed with love
Their power fading
Over the years

My mind is a dance floor where words come to meet
and partner with others who'll pick up their beat.


Their lives cut short like stilted words
Their futures incomplete like fragmented poems

Yet we will not forget
Their stories live on

#LestWeForget #lestweforget18 #PoppyAppeal #100years #Armistice100 #130story


I will teach you words
Words you do not know
Then little Tommy
Looked at the teacher
Asked if he knew *&£#*&£
The teacher did reap
The teacher he did sow

Words” by PaulPJB, 10 Nov 18

Search the # NaNoWriMo in November. Everyone taking part has more words than they can shake a stick it. SHAKEY SHAKEY STICK #130story