masthead image - an open book


(5 stories)

What side are you on?

Honestly, don't care any more. Just be nice to all whichever you are on.


My Aunty Marjorie's pies
Were one foot wide
When they were eaten
They stuck to both sides
Anyone eating whole one
Got Aunty Marge for evening
As a sort of winning prize

Sides” by PaulPJB, 7 Dec 18

John was living on an island
He was surrounded by the tides
He deducted he lived in middle earth
Because he couldn’t see the Sides.
John loved Lord of the rings

1498 words written today
#HopeVKayos #TheHopeSaga #AmWriting

It isn't about sides. It's about justice, truth and faith.


'But I like both of you Sandra, why do we always have to take sides?'
'Did you not hear what she said to me?'
'Yes, she said 'yes'.'
'But did you hear the way she said it?'
'Oh well, clearly I am on your side then!'