masthead image - an open book


(7 stories)

#130story Grace Odd caused a stir on joining Jerusalem's Alpha course. Treasurer John Udas panicked and left. "That bloody man spoils everything" Vicar Jo Esus said.

Odd” by JonnaKing, 4 Feb 19

The oddities of life are on Twitter. Authors, comedians, onions, scifi geeks, scientists, and a Grax. I follow them all. Bliss #130story

‘Not too much for me thanks Sandra.’
‘What did you have for lunch then Tom?’
‘What makes you think I had lunch out?’
‘Well, it’s odd that your not starving and the stains on your tie are a give away.’
‘Perhaps I could be tempted with a little more!’

Barry Harker had a red parker
On handle bars of his Lambretta
He had affixed a little plastic cod
Everyone who knew him agreed
Barry Harker was a very odd mod


Odd” by PaulPJB, 4 Feb 19

Barry Harker had a green parker
On handle bars of his Lambretta
He had affixed a little plastic cod
Everyone who knew him agreed
Barry Harker was a very odd mod


Odd” by PaulPJB, 4 Feb 19

Odd one out please. Hammer, sausage, hemorrhoid or Godzilla?
I don't know. That's why I'm asking you.

Left or Right
Even or Odd
Our world is the same
No matter which God