'What's that flatbed on the drive Tom?'
'It's a rental Sandra'
'I can see that but what's it for?'
'I'm picking up a tonne of manure for the potatoes and needed a van.'
'That's all we need around here, more crap!'
(2 stories)
'What's that flatbed on the drive Tom?'
'It's a rental Sandra'
'I can see that but what's it for?'
'I'm picking up a tonne of manure for the potatoes and needed a van.'
'That's all we need around here, more crap!'
In the beginning a thermal wind quickly crew
Energy, gravity and matter all combined
Pushed one direction by arrow of time
Matter and anti-matter
Ying and yang
Positive and negative
Like lime to a lemon and lemon to a lime
Everything's a big fruit bowl you will find