Sister in law got off plane from Spain earlier this week. She went straight to visit her elderly parents, one with a heart condition.
Shes a bloody idiot
#130story but true
(3 stories)
Sister in law got off plane from Spain earlier this week. She went straight to visit her elderly parents, one with a heart condition.
Shes a bloody idiot
#130story but true
My Great Uncle Dan
Was a very very bloody man
It was bloody this
It was bloody bloody that
It was enough bloody blood
To fill up a bloody blood vat
Know one knew the recipe
Make his black puddings tasty
Although when you ate one
You started to purr like a cat
John had made himself a swear box
He was saving for a rainy day
He fitted it by the loo roll isle
As an entrepreneur John led the way
He said he’d made a bloody fortune
He didn’t think he’d made a sin
But by the time he’d finished counting
He’d paid the lot back in