masthead image - an open book



Player Active
28 Sep 13 - 5 Nov 13


Earlybird! 10!

She spat words at him like flames, setting fire to any chance he had imagined of the reunion being anything but smouldering ashes @130story

I awoke to my mums cries, her hand snared in the mousetrap I had placed to catch the tooth fairy. I branded her a thief... @130story

Like a dog, she sat, alert and ferrel, staring at letter box, ready to rip apart, devour and destroy the expected and damning news @130story

I just found my human mirror. Another me in this vast galaxy of mayhem. She walks, talks and me! I hate her already! @130story

Stand on my shoulders, look out and tell me what you see. Then, we can both enjoy the view. I prefer it through your eyes anyway! @130story

Knowing that her words would change her world forever, she taped her mouth shut and painted a smile on. @130story

Her blue veined, tissue hands, like autumn leaves, showed the shadow of a life lived freely. @130story

'If I dig into my past I'll just fall down the hole' she cried. He made a note and checked his watch. 'Just take these pills then' @130story