masthead image - an open book



Player Active
30 Jan 16 - 19 Apr 21



#130story Naughty Nick nicked Nicky's knickers and was nicked by the nick nicks.

#130story Due to complaints from passengers on his bus, driver Dan was finally addressing the issue of wearing his dressing gown and thong to work on dressing-down Friday.


We like to buy stuff
And think about stuff to buy
We are consumers

#130story Pete points pointily at Pat. "Pull this." Pat pulls Pete's pointy finger. Pete and Pat's parrott is blown off his perch. Poor Polly.

#130story Church Secretary to Bishop: "I'm driving; it'll be me and the Curate in the front, the Revenue in the back."

#130story In tonights production of 'Who Plays Whom', Paul plays Pamela, Angela plays Andrew, and Dick plays himself (again!).

#130story Wore my blue suede shoes to Graceland. The hound dog at the gate gave me evils; it was the devil in disguise. I was all shook up and felt down, way down.

#130story So disappointed whilst attending the launch of new book 'The Launch' that no-one cracked a bottle of champagne on it whilst it slid into the sea...